
Following is a list of my strongest courses from my 3rd and 4th years:

MEC 825Mechanical DesignA+
MEC 816Topics in Manufacturing EngineeringA+
MEC 413Advanced ManufacturingA+
EES 612Electric Machines and ActuatorsA+
MEC 430Applied Stress AnalysisA+
MEC 514Applied ThermodynamicsA+
MEC 516Fluid Mechanics IA+
MTH 510Numerical AnalysisA+
MEC 411Mechanics of MachinesA
MEC 701Heat TransferA
MTL 300Materials Science IIA
CEN 800Law and Ethics in Engineering PracticeA
MEC 713Project ManagementA

Below are all the courses I’ve completed in my undergraduate career:

CEN 800CEN Law and Ethics in Engineering Practice
MEC 816Topics in Manufacturing Engineering
MEC 825Mechanical Design
MEC 832Reliability Decision Analysis
POL 507Power, Change and Technology
MEC 431Advanced Manufacturing
MEC 626Applied Finite Elements
MEC 713Project Management
MEC 734Design for Manufacturing
HST 701Science Technology
Aug 2019 – Aug 2020
Work Term – Department of National Defense | Engineering Intern
MEC 411Mechanics of Machines
MEC 613Machine Design I
MEC 616Fluid Mechanics II
MEC 701Heat Transfer
MEC 709Control Systems
MEC 721Vibrations
EES 612Elec. Machines and Actuators
MEC 430Applied Stress Analysis
MEC 514Applied Thermodynamics
MEC 516Fluid Mechanics I
MTH 510Numerical Analysis
MTL 300Materials Science II
EES 512Electric Circuits
MEC 309Basic Thermodynamics
MEC 311Dynamics
MEC 322Manufacturing Fundamentals
MTH 410Statistics
HST 325History of Science and Tech I
CMN 432Comm. in Engineering Professions
MEC 323Statics and Mechanics of Materials
MEC 325Intro to Engineering Design
MTH 425Diff Equations and Vector Calculus
PCS 213Light and Modern Physics
PHL 214Critical Thinking I
CPS 125Digital Computation and Programming
ECN 801Principles of Engineering Economics
MEC 222Engineering Graphical Communication
MTL 200Materials Science Fundamentals
PCS 125Physics: Waves and Fields
MTH 240Calculus II
CEN 100Introduction to Engineering
CEN 199Writing Skills
CHY 102General Chemistry
MTH 140Calculus I
MTH 141Linear Algebra
PCS 211Physics: Mechanics